Keswick School A-level results 2023

Thursday 14 September 2023

We are delighted to congratulate all our students on their outstanding A-level results. These have exceeded previous years and bucked the national trend. 27 students achieved two or more A*/A grades with 15 students achieving straight A*/A grades. Our students will now be looking forward to starting courses at Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh and Durham universities amongst others. Every student should be proud of the results that they have achieved today.

Sophie French (Head of Sixth Form) said:
We are really pleased for our Year 13s, the overwhelming majority of which have secured their first-choice destination. Our university applicants are taking up places at impressive range of universities and on an impressive range of courses, while a significant number of students have also been successful in gaining competitive apprenticeship places at companies such as Sellafield, Jacobs, Morgan Sindall and Ernst & Young. However, what really stands out about this year group is that they have simply been a fantastic group of students to have in the sixth form. Their successes lie not just in their academic achievements, but also in the way in which they have been a real asset to the school as a whole, acting as excellent role models who have made a really positive contribution to the wider school community. We wish them all the very best as they move on to the next stage of their lives.

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