What's Happening

Wednesday 05 June 2024

Ofsted grades school ‘Outstanding’

Keswick School graded OUTSTANDING in every category by Ofsted!


Keswick School is delighted to announce that, following its recent Ofsted inspection on April 23rd and 24th, it has retained its previous ‘Outstanding’ grade and has again been rated ‘Outstanding’ in every category:

The Quality of Education – Outstanding
Behaviour and Attitudes – Outstanding
Personal Development – Outstanding
Leadership and Management – Outstanding
Sixth Form Provision - Outstanding
Overall effectiveness - Outstanding

The last time Keswick School had a full Ofsted inspection was in February 2014. Since then there have been significant changes to Ofsted’s inspection framework and it has become increasingly difficult for schools to achieve ‘Outstanding’ grades. This makes Keswick School’s achievement even more notable and reflects on the incredible students and dedicated team of staff and governors that make the school a unique and special place.

Keswick School’s Headteacher, Simon Jackson, commented:
“Following a rigorous inspection, we were overwhelmed by the complimentary feedback from the inspection team. To receive the highest grade in every category of the Ofsted inspection framework is an amazing achievement.

What impressed us the most was how the inspection team got to know the school so quickly. This was through speaking to students and staff and reviewing the fantastic feedback from parents. They captured the friendly yet competitive spirit and the caring and supportive culture that are all  hallmarks of our school. This complements our recent Ofsted boarding inspection where we were also graded as ‘outstanding’.

I would like to extend my thanks to all our teaching and support staff, pupils, parents, governors and directors. We are excited about the future and intend to continue to develop our approach to help our students to become articulate, independent and successful young people. “

The report states that students ‘strive for excellence and that their conduct is exemplary’. This is achieved through fostering strong, positive relationships that are built on mutual trust and respect. It also describes the school as a ‘highly inspirational environment’ where pupils benefit from an ‘ambitious and high-quality curriculum’. Staff ‘prepare pupils exceptionally well in how to tackle new learning’ and ‘pupils achieve exceptionally well’. The report specifically highlights the Sixth form and the contribution that Sixth Form students make to the lives of younger pupils through, for example, peer mentoring and subject coaching.

Keswick School is delighted that Ofsted agrees with us that we are an ‘exceptional’ place for students to learn, grow, thrive and be able to achieve their full potential. Please get in touch with us if you are interested in your child joining Keswick School’s highly aspirational community. 

Ofsted Report (April 2024)


Thursday 21 March 2024

Ofsted grades boarding ‘outstanding’

Keswick School’s boarding provision (52 boarding places) was inspected by Ofsted under the social care common inspection framework from the 22nd to 24th January. The overall judgement, which covers the experiences and progress of children and young people, was graded as ‘outstanding’.

Two senior Ofsted inspectors visited the school and boarding house over a three-day inspection. They met with the entire boarding community, school staff and Governors, and gathered an enormous amount of evidence to judge the quality of the boarding provision. The social care common inspection framework is closely aligned with Ofsted’s school common inspection framework. This means a greater emphasis on the progress and outcomes of boarding students, in addition to the care and support they receive in boarding. The Ofsted report states that boarding is outstanding at Keswick School because:
‘The boarding school provides highly effective services that consistently exceed the standards of good. The actions of the school contribute to significantly improved outcomes and positive experiences for children and young people.’
‘Children say that they enjoy boarding, and that it offers them chances to experience international friendships, progressive education, and access to leisure opportunities that they would not otherwise have.’

The inspection report conveys an exceptionally strong sense of community in the boarding house. This culture of care and support was highlighted repeatedly throughout the three-day inspection. The inspectors commented:
‘Staff know children exceptionally well. They use a confident, individual relationship-based approach to build trust that helps children to feel safe. One child said, ‘I saw that other children who went to staff with their problems were helped with kindness, and so I was more confident to tell staff about my worries. I would not have been able to talk to you so easily a year ago. Staff have helped me to find my confidence.’’

The exceptional school support was also highlighted for praise:
‘Staff understand children’s academic progress, but also measure children’s progress in their ability to enjoy life, gather experiences to support wider social and emotional learning, and make and sustain healthy friendships.’
‘Where children need support to make progress, leaders ensure that there is a comprehensive and shared whole-school response to identify and meet those needs. They listen to children about whether the support is working, and are flexible in their approach.’

Simon Jackson, the Head teacher, said:
‘We believe in the benefits of boarding alongside the opportunities we offer to our day pupils. Living away from home with outstanding study facilities and the character development that flows from opportunities outside the classroom help make boarding students both confident and successful. We are delighted to see that Ofsted recognise these benefits and our innovative approach to education and the well-being of young people in our care.’

Ofsted Boarding Report


Wednesday 01 November 2023

GCSE Performance Results 2023

Recently, the Government issued data around GCSE results in Cumbria and, in particular, highlight the fantastic performance of Keswick School.

The government has today published the GCSE performance results for 2023 and Keswick school is delighted to, once again, feature at the top of those results for Cumberland Schools. Please see the link below:

In analysing the information that has been published, it is clear that Keswick has the highest number of GCSE students achieving Grade 5 and above for Maths and English (61%) and also has the highest number of students in the county achieving the English Baccalaureate.

We are delighted with these results, which demonstrate the commitment, dedication and quality of teaching within Keswick School and we are extremely proud of our students who have worked so hard to excel in their GCSE exams. 



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