We believe that the safety and security of all children is of paramount importance.
The pastoral team are in place to support this and will endeavour to work with pupils, parents, staff and a range of external agencies to ensure we meet our aims.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms Wendy Lightfoot (Deputy Head Pastoral) and in her absence Mrs Clare Hiddleston (Education Support Officer). The School Nurse/First Aider, Pastoral Year Heads and Pastoral Assistants also work closely as a team to support in safeguarding and child protection.
All staff in school are trained in safeguarding basic awareness, this includes boarding staff and associate staff. Additional training to staff includes mental health awareness, Prevent: extremism and radicalisation, sexual harassment and violence, online safety and a range of other relevant safeguarding topics.
We have a Student Safeguarding Team in school, made up of Year 12 students, who have received some safeguarding awareness training and who are working to raise awareness of a range of safeguarding topics including sexual harassment and violence and mental health.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead and the Deputy are trained to level 3 as required by the Cumbria LSCB (Local Safeguarding Children’s Board) for more details please go to www.cumbrialscb.com.
We work very closely with a range of agencies including local health teams, GPS's, CAMHS, mental health charitites, the Police, the Cumbria Safeguarding Hub and Children's Services. Where necessary referrals wil be made t the relevant agency.
For further information on safeguarding and child protection please refer to the information leaflet for parents and the Safeguarding Policy below.
Additionally support is offered to pupils on e-safety issues. This includes a comprehensive programme of online safety learning for Years 7 and 8 through computing and Personal Development. Year 9 through drop down Personal Development days/activities and Years 10-12 through Personal Development. There is also a range of assemblies and information sessions delivered by Keswick School staff as well as external providers such as Inspira and the Police.
We ask that parents please support us in the level of supervision they give with electronic devices and internet use, particularly in terms of age appropriate content, filtering and privacy settings, cyber bullying and use of social media sites. Please refer to our Online Safety Policy which also links to the Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYOD) and Behaviour Policy. For more information on online safety please go to: thinkUknow or CEOP.