Student Support Centre

The Student Support Centre is a resource for students to use as and when needed. It is a space for students to use who are experiencing difficulties accessing the curriculum and learning within school or a classroom setting.

For example, students in need of homework support and organisation or who are returning to school after a long period of absence who may need a personalised programme to assist their return to all lessons.

There are two full time members of staff available to speak to students at break and lunch times and the centre offers many services that are aimed to improve the opportunities and outcomes for students including:

Homework Club

Homework Club is open at break time and lunch time for students, mainly in the lower school, to use to complete homework. They have access to stationery resources, 4 computers and a colour printer.


Peer Mentoring

We have a group of Year 10 and Year 11 volunteers who meet with students for peer mentoring. These volunteers are trained to listen to the pupil they are supporting and to offer strategies to help them with whatever their concerns might be.


Subject Coaching

A group of Year 10 and Sixth Form volunteers offer to support students in subjects that they are confident with. Subject coaches meet with students during registration and have around 20 minutes to help and support them with their knowledge and understanding of their subject.


One to One Mentoring

Students referred for mentoring typically have an initial meeting with an allocated member of staff to identify their needs, followed by 3-4 mentoring sessions.


Shine Awards

At termly intervals staff are asked to nominate students for Shine Awards. These awards are typically for students that have gone above and beyond in any aspect of their work, behaviour and attitude.



The centre arranges workshops for groups of students at different times of the year when a need has been identified such as high achievers team building, stress management and Bikeability.


Get in touch.

Vicarage Hill
CA12 5QB

017687 72605