Local Governing Body

Keswick School’s Local Governing Body comprises of seventeen Governors including two elected Parent Governors and three elected Staff Governors. The Governors oversee different functions within the school depending on the responsibility delegated to them by the Directors and support the Board through taking decisions and making recommendations.

There are four sub committees to the Local Governing Body: Curriculum, Finance & Premises, Pastoral & Boarding and Personnel.

The school is supported directly by the Department for Education. In addition, the Governors have access to additional resources through the Keswick School Foundation Fund, a separate charitable trust.

You can contact the Governors via the Chair of the Local Governing Body, Rev Charles Hope or the Clerk Mrs Annabel Scott, c/o Keswick School, Tel. 017687 72605 or clerktogovernors@keswick.cumbria.sch.uk.  

Governors of Keswick School

Attendance Record

Governor Declaration of Interests

Governor Meeting Dates 2024-2025

Copies of the agendas and minutes of meetings are available on request through the Clerk


Get in touch.

Vicarage Hill
CA12 5QB

017687 72605