
The Headteacher, Governors and members of staff expect that the highest standards of personal and communal conduct shall exist in the school.  

Pupils will be expected to show these high standards in their appearance and manners in the school and when travelling to and from school.

The school has an established reputation in terms of pupils' positive attitude to school work, behaviour and concern for other people. We expect all pupils to uphold these standards. The full support of parents in the maintenance of these standards is much appreciated by the Headteacher.


“Behaviour is outstanding”



If pupils misbehave or fail to give of their best in work they may be subject to a range of sanctions. In cases of serious misconduct, e.g. incidents of bullying or intimidation of another pupil, theft or vandalism, possession or use of a knife, the Headteacher may exclude a pupil internally for a day or more formally exclude. Please refer to the Behaviour Policy for more details.

Additionally there are school guidelines on the use and misuse of the internet, all pupils are regularly updated on this and will sign an Acceptable Use Policy. There are also many opportunities to make the pupils aware of the dangers of the internet and social networking sites; this is through IT and Citizenship lessons, external speakers and assemblies. Cyberbullying will not be tolerated at Keswick School. Pupils are made fully aware that this is a criminal offence. Please refer to the e-Safety and BYOD Policies for further information.
All parents will be expected to sign the Home School Agreement on entry to the school in year 7 or as part of an in-year admission, this document outlines our expectations of the children, what support we would expect from you as parents or guardians and also what you can expect from us as a school.

Behaviour Policy (Including Details on Student Exclusion and Anti-Bullying)

Home School Agreement


Get in touch.

Vicarage Hill
CA12 5QB

017687 72605