The Learning Support Department support students who; for many varied reasons find it difficult to access the curriculum.
Students may experience problems with communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social emotional and mental health; sensory and/physical needs; or a combination of more than one of these needs. They also support non curricular learning by working with students with social and emotional needs and have strong links with all departments in particular with the Student Support Centre, the Educational Support Officer and the School Nurse.
In understanding the additional needs of students we strongly advocate two-way communication with parents; staff within the school (such as Heads of Year); other educational institutions (such as primary schools) and where necessary other agencies (such as Educational Psychology or the Specialist Teaching Service).
Students (with additional needs) are supported in a number of ways including the following:-
- In class support ensures students’ individual needs are communicated effectively to teachers; this informs the planning and teaching process.
- Evidence based small group and/or interventions: literacy, numeracy (rapid maths) life skills and guided reading.
- Weekly Lunchtime Club: targets students who find it very difficult to socialise. Students are encouraged to interact with each other through a series of events and activities throughout the year which help interaction and build relationships.
SEND Statement
Keswick School caters for students with a wide range of special needs and disabilities (SEND). The school's SEND policy is fully compliant with the regulations of the 2015 SEND Code of Practice and is accessible on the website under statutory information along with a copy of our SEND Information Report which is also available on this page of the website under statutory information.