Key Stage 4

Head of Year 10
Ms Melling

Year 10 is the start of two critical years in a student’s education. During this period they will not only be taking their GCSE examinations, but they will also have to make vital decisions that will affect their future after they leave school. There are many significant changes between Year 9 and Year 10 and the pupils can expect the highest level of support, advice and guidance in order to help make these changes. The focus of Year 10 is to provide the very best foundation to promote future success for all students and to ensure that they fulfil their potential by the end of Key Stage 4.

In addition, there are numerous activities which complement the academic side of school in order to give the students the best preparation for whatever they chose to do in the future. These include work experience week, enterprise day, ICT Oscars and the Year 10 celebration event at the end of the year.


Head of Year 11
Mrs Habberjam

Year 11, as everyone knows, is when students have to step up and perform in Pre Public Exams and their actual GCSEs. This is a time of harder work and increased expectations. As a result, it is a time when the pastoral team provides even more support for those who may struggle emotionally or with motivation.

A form head led 'GCSE Mindset programme' gives students a revision tool kit that helps focus their efforts. This is allied to an ever closer link with Mrs Avery, head of careers, and Inspira to offer top draw careers information, advice and guidance for those students who lack a bit of vision or confidence.

Likewise, support from the school's learning mentor and peer mentors in the Student Support Centre steps up a level too. Small groups of students are guided to produce their own self support group to manage stress and exam pressures. As always, students encounter problems and issues that they need the pastoral assistant and head of year to help negotiate and we at Keswick School take pride in helping individuals and liaising with families to get through tricky periods at this important time in their lives.



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CA12 5QB

017687 72605