Fees and How to Apply

Please Note:  there are no charges for education at a state boarding school

Applying for a boarding place is very straightforward.  Simply download and complete the relevant application below and forward together with a copy of your child’s latest school report and passport to Mrs Pepper, Boarding Development Manager at boarding@keswick.cumbria.sch.uk

We offer full, weekly or flexi (dependent on availability) boarding options and accept applications for Year 7 – 10 and Year 12.  International boarders are required to have a resident guardian in the UK.


Per term

Per annum

Extra night

Full boarding




Weekly boarding

(5 nights, Sun - Thurs)




Flexi boarding

(min 4 nights, Mon -Thurs)




Fees cover all meals, accommodation and weekend activities.  Boarding at Keswick School is very popular and places are limited, therefore please apply as early as possible to avoid disappointment.  Applications must have a British passport, have the right to remain in the UK, EUSS (European Union Settlement Status) or be the dependant of a BN(O) passport holder.

Application form for 6th form

Application Form for Year 7-10



Get in touch.

Vicarage Hill
CA12 5QB

017687 72605